A journey through his life, narrated in the tradition of cantari...
SEX, LIES AND... MUSICAL TALES Venice, XVIth century The most...
De labyrintho The subject of the present disc are motets by Joaquin that...
The ars nova of magister Antonio Zacara da Teramo (ca. 1365-1416)
Ballate, madrigali e danze all'epoca di Boccaccio (XIV Sec.)
Excerpts from the Medici Codex 1518 book of choral motets dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino.
Registration of pastoral fable AMINTA of Torquarto Tasso; intermediate music from "The Novellette six voices" Simone Balsamino. On the occasion of the celebrations of the fourth centenary of the death of Federico Barocci (1612 - 2012)
Complete recording of Urbinate Latin manuscript 1419 of the library of the Dukes of Urbino (sec. XV).
Monophonic ballads and instrumental istampitte from Italian Ars Nova XIV CENTURY
Monophonic ballads and instrumental istampitte from Italian Ars Nova XIV CENTURY
Rondeaux ballads and also contained in the 1411 code of the library of the Dukes of Urbino (sec. XV)